London Leadership Academy

Leadership Learning Zone

Time Management

The key to managing your time effectively is to have a clear understanding of what the demands are.

When work is frantic, dividing your time between lots of different tasks means you tend to achieve less. It can leave you feeling hurried and unfocused.

Managing your time effectively can help you assess what’s important, and which tasks will get you closer to your goals.

You can take advantage of proven techniques to help you balance these demands, and by developing good time management skills you can achieve a lot more in much less time. This can have a positive impact on your workload.

For those in leadership roles, effective time management is vital. It helps you manage your time so you’re more likely to achieve your goals – and in a way that benefits your whole team.


Module sessions

  • Introduction
  • Why manage your time?
  • First steps in time management
  • Time management methods and tools
  • Time management with your team
  • Summary

Sample Content

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